

From Old English Englisc, from Engle ("the Angles," a Germanic tribe).



اسم خاص


اَنگِريزِي (اَڻ ڳڻپائتو)

  1. انگريزي ٻولي، جنھن جِي ابتدا تھ اِنگلستان کان ٿِي، پر ھن وقت برطانوِي ٻيٽن ۽ گڏيل دولت (دولتِ مشترڪھ) مُلڪَن جي سمورن علائقن، آمريڪا جي گڏيل رياستُن، ۽ دينا جي ڪيترن ئي علائقن ۾ ڳالھائجي پئي.
    انگلستان جي دفتري زبان انگريزي آھي.

انگريزي (اڻ ڳڻپائتو)

  1. One's ability to employ the English language.
    My coworker has pretty good English for a non-native speaker.
  2. Specific language or wording; a text or statements in speech, whether a translation or otherwise.
    The technical details are correct, but the English isn't very clear.
    I've found the original Greek, finally, but now I've lost the English.

the English (collective plural)

  1. The people of England; all Englishmen and Englishwomen.
    The Scottish and the English have a history of conflict.
    Americans like myself can't teach in Europe since they prefer those snobby English.

the English language

سادِي: 英语 (yīng-yǔ), 英文 (yīng-wén)
روايَتِي: 英語 (yīng-yǔ), 英文 (yīng-wén)
Cantonese: 英文 (yīng-mán)
Min Nan: Eng-gí


  1. English-language; of or pertaining to the English language.
  2. Of or pertaining to England or its people.
  3. Of or pertaining to the Avoirdupois system of measure, as in an “English ton”.

of or pertaining to the English language

  • جاپانِي: 英語の (eigo no)

of or pertaining to England

of or pertaining to the Avoirdupois system

The translations below need to be checked and inserted into the appropriate tables above, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:How to check translations.