اڻ ڳنڍيندڙ صفحا
ھيٺين ڊيٽا ڪيڇڊ آھي، ۽ ان ۾ آخري ڀيرو 10:24, 1 جنوري 2025ع تي تجديد ڪئي وئي. ڪيڇي ۾ وڌ۾وڌ ٥٬٠٠٠ نتيجا آھن.
ھيٺيان صفحا Wiktionary ۾ ٻين صفحن سان ڳنڍيل نہ آھن.
ھيٺ ٥٠ نتيجا #١ کان #٥٠ جي حد تائين ڏيکاري ٿو.
- "گم ڪري ڇڏڻ
- A.B.C
- A bad workman quarrels with his tools
- A black sheep
- A dark horse
- A day after fair
- A door keeper
- A few years down the line
- A figure among ciphers
- A glass shade
- A good cow may have an ill calf
- A good few
- A lot to yet come
- A made man
- A man of mark
- A nine days' wonder
- A nut to crack
- A pig in a poke
- A poor worker blames his tools
- A round game
- A round number
- A state witness
- A stitch in time save nine
- A thousand pities
- A white desert
- A word with you
- A year & a day
- A young man in a hurry
- Abaddon
- Abode
- Accelerated Graphics Port
- Acceleration of development
- Accelerative
- Accent
- Accept one’s face
- Access time
- Accessary (Accessory)
- Acronyms (Web)
- ActiveX
- Active Server Pages
- Active matrix display
- Active program
- Active window
- Adapter
- Add-in board
- Administration of Criminal Justice
- Adroit
- Adversary effect
- Affable
- Affection