انگريزي ترميميو

  اُچارُ ترميميو

اسم ترميميو


  1. ڦُس ڦُس؛ دٻيل آواز
  2. (هندستاني هوٽلُن ۾) مَٽر

  ترجما ترميميو

instance of muttering

لاڳاپيل لفظ ۽ اصطلاح ترميميو

فعل ترميميو


  1. To utter words, especially complaints or angry expressions, indistinctly or with a low voice and lips partly closed; to say under one's breath.
    You could hear the students mutter as they were served sodden spaghetti, yet again, in the cafeteria.
    The beggar muttered words of thanks, as passersby dropped coins in his cup.
  2. To speak softly and incoherently, or with imperfect articulations.
    The asylum inmate muttered some doggerel about chains and pains to himself, over and over.
  3. To make a sound with a low, rumbling noise.
    April could hear the delivery van's engine muttering in the driveway near the kitchens.

هم معنيٰ لفظ ترميميو

  ترجما ترميميو

speak under one's breath
speak incoherently
make a low sound

نارويني ترميميو

اسم ترميميو


  1. نَٽ، جنهن ۾ پيچ کي ڦاسائبو آهي

سُويڊي ترميميو

اسم ترميميو


  1. نَٽ، جنهن ۾ پيچ کي ڦاسائبو آهي

اسم ترميميو

mutter mutter ب (uncountable)

  1. mutter; obscure utterance