ڪتو ڇا ڄاڻي ڪڻڪ جي ماني مان
ترميميو- A blind man is no judge of colors
- What does a dog know of the taste of wheat bread
- A lack of appreciation for something that is beyond one's comprehension or experience
- Someone who lacks the ability or experience cannot properly understand or appreciate something
لاڳاپيل لفظ ۽ اصطلاح
ترميميو- باندر ڇا ڄاڻي ادرڪ جو سواد
- باندر ڄاڻي بيوقوفَ، ڇا سنڍِ جو سوادُ
رومن سنڌي / (لپي مَٽَ)
ترميميوKuto chha jjanny kannk'a ji maani maan